
Nikki Mears & Nick Boothroyd - The founding team behind Naturally Talented Me

Naturally Talented Me (NTM) is a Community Interest Company that has been launched to address longstanding inequalities in the employment market. Inequalities that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 lockdown as many millions are being displaced from previously secure and long-term jobs and are unclear as to where they now fit in the new world of work.

Current recruitment processes focus on certifications and experience, whereas NTM provides a new approach; one that reflects the attributes of a much more dynamic and diverse talent pool and better meets the needs of employers.

It was developed to support the most disadvantaged in our society – groups such as SEND, older workers, ex-military and ex-offenders – and the intervention organisations that represent them. COVID-19, and the impact it has had on sectors such as Hospitality, Retail, Entertainment, Travel and Leisure, has highlighted the importance of this new way of profiling individuals’ talents across the entire job market.

Nikki and Nick have created a platform that offers individuals from all backgrounds and abilities a mechanism to showcase themselves in an effective way that is fit for 2021. And its free for individuals to use.

I hope you enjoy our chat.


Anchor FM - The Alternative Path with David Robson

Spotify – The Alternative Path with David Robson

Apple – The Alternative Path with David Robson

Google Podcast - The Alternative Path with David Robson

Radio Republic – The Alternative Path with David Robson

Posted by: Inspire EHC ltd